Arthur - movie review.


I went to see Arthur last night with a friend and that movie is absolutely brilliant. It's my favourite movie 2O11 and I am sure it will remain so (except for Harry Potter probably). Let me just tell you: that movie is sweet, romantic, extremely funny and just all in all 1OO% entertaining. 

The story is really sweet, Russell Brand is absolutely lovely as Arthur Bach, Hellen Mirren is pure talent playing Hobson, and all the other actors are great as well, but Russell and Helen interact so well together! Just as well as Greta Gerwig, Jennifer Garner, Luis Guzman and all the other talented actors and actresses. Amazing. Russell plays Arthur so well, it's 1OO% the perfect story and character for him, and I would've never imagined him to be able to play such a deep and thoughtful character, that movie made me love him even more. He even cried in the movie, that was absolutely adorable! And Helen Mirren - well, nothing more to say. Those two words say it all. She is the definition of a perfect actress, so classy, amazingly beautiful, talented ... what more could you want? She was 1OO% the right person to play Hobson, noone else would've been better as her, I assure you that. 

But of course I don't want to take things away. It's just about Arthur who's like in his 30s, having the nanny (Helen Mirren) managing his life, he's the heir of a billion dollar empire - you know the drill. But they turn the movie into something so fantastic, all the actors, the city they shot in, everything - it was just brilliant! Russell and Greta as lovers, so romantic! Russell and Helen as nanny and little-boy-ish man are both hilarious and very very touching. Arthur is just the typical rich boy, partying a lot, playing with people, but he's got a big heart and is so different from what everyone thinks of him. But you have to watch the movie to know what I'm talking about. So just go see it, I've seen it, it's amazing, really good and all that. You should definitely go see it! It's worth the money, or buy it on DVD. Let me just say one word: PERFECT!

Pictures from the movie (I don't own them, Warner Bros. does!): 

 Evander Holyfield plays Arthur's boxing teacher, or boxing partner. I loved this scene, it was really cool. Seeing Russell in these clothes, and then Hobson's sentence when she's leaving. Arthur has to meet his Mum, so Hobson wants him to get ready to go meet her. And as she walks out Hobson says to Evander: Make sure he's out in five minutes or I'll bite off your other ear. Oh, Hobson ...
 You love horses, I don't trust them. Their shoes are permantent?! Who makes that kind of committment to a shoe? Just wonderful. That wasn't what he said in this scene but I don't want to take away the funny bits. This was for the wedding pictures. Loved this scene. Nick Nolte as Jennifer's father is a bit annoying, but he's really cool, such a great actor. All of them are great and Jen looked fantastic!
Wash your winky! Aha, love this scene. It's a rather fun scene before the movie takes a few minutes in the not so funny genre. That doesn't mean the movie gets bad, but sad! But the good point in the "sad" part is: Russell's amazing acting talent, really. He plays Arthur so sweet and so gentle, he's just so Russell to be honest, that's exactly how I imagine him. Only without the really stupid mother (played brilliantly by Geraldine James).

If you're cool enough you'll go and see Arthur in a theatre near you! In cinemas in Germany since May 5th 2011. GO SEE IT. You would if you were cool. If not ... well ... ;) 

Who Says - Übersetzung.

Die Übersetzung ist natürlich nicht 1OO% perfekt, ich hab sie einfach so nach Lust und Laune interpretiert als ich in England war, mir war grad danach und dann hab ich halt so in drei / vier Minuten den Text ins Deutsche geholt, sogut es ging. Wer Lust hat kann das ja mal nachsingen zu einer Karaoke-Version (Video hier eingebunden!) und mir dann schicken, einfach hier kommentieren wenn ihr es gemacht habt, man braucht keinen Account zum kommentieren. 
Auf geht's ...

Hast mich verunsichert
(you made me insecure)
gesagt ich wär nicht gut genug
(told me I wasn't good enough)
hast mich nicht ernst genomm'
(but who are you to judge)
meinst ich wär alles außer klug
(when you're a diamond in the rough)
Und dabei geht es hier
(I'm sure you've got some things)
nur um deine Angst und dich
(you'd like to change about yourself)
doch ginge es um mich
(but when it comes to me
würd ich am liebsten niemand sein als ich!
(I wouldn't wanna be anybody else)

Ich bin ganz gewöhnlich
(I'm no beauty queen)
ich bin ich und glücklich!
(I'm just beautiful me)
Jeder hat es verdient, 
(you've got every right)
dass ihn irgendwer liebt. 
(to a beautiful life)

Sag mir, 
(come on)
wer sagt, wer sagt du seist schlechter? 
(who says, who says you're not perfect?)
Wer sagt du seist nichts wert? 
(who says you're not worth it?)
Wer sagt du brauchst ein anderes Ich? 
(who says you're the only one that's hurting?)
Oh, glaub mir,
(trust me)
das ist der Preis der Schönheit!
(that's the price of beauty)
Neider sind da nicht weit!
(who says you're not pretty?)
Wer sagt du seist nicht perfekt? 

(who says you're not beautiful?)
... der lügt!
(who says?)

Es ist schon komisch,
(it's such a funny thing)
wie sie was du sagst ignorier'n. 
(how nothing's funny when it's you)
Sie schauen dich nicht an, 
(you tell them what you mean)
wollen was du sagst gar nicht hör'n.
(but they keep whiting out the truth)
Und dabei bist du doch
(it's like a work of art)
so viel besser als die zusamm'!
(that never gets to see the light)
Sie unterdrücken dich, 
(keep you beneath the stars)
doch deine Zeit wird komm'!
(won't let you touch the sky)

Ich bin ganz gewöhnlich,
(I'm no beauty queen)
ich bin ich und glücklich!
(I'm just beautiful me)
Jeder hat es verdient, 
(you've got every right)
dass ihn irgendwer liebt. 
(to a beautiful life)

Sag mir, 
(come on)
wer sagt, wer sagt du seist schlechter? 
(who says, who says you're not perfect?)
Wer sagt du seist nichts wert? 
(who says you're not worth it?)
Wer sagt du brauchst ein anderes Ich? 
(who says you're the only one that's hurting?)
Oh, glaub mir,
(trust me)
das ist der Preis der Schönheit!
(that's the price of beauty)
Neider sind da nicht weit!
(who says you're not pretty?)
Wer sagt du seist nicht perfekt? 
(who says you're not beautiful?)
... der lügt!
(who says?)

Wer sagt du seist superhässlich? 
(who says you're messed up potential?)
Deine ganze Art sei grässlich?
(who says you're not presidential?) 
Würdest es nie zu was bringen?
(who says you can't be in movies?) 
Hörst du auch den Neid rausklingen? 
(listen to me, listen to me!)
Wer sagt du schaffst nie den Test? 
(who says you can't pass the test?)
Wärst nicht besser als der Rest? 

(who says you can't be the best?)
Sag mir, sag mir, sag mir wer so einen Quatsch sagt!

(who said, who said, would you tell me who said that?)

Sag mir, 
(come on)
wer sagt, wer sagt du seist schlechter? 
(who says, who says you're not perfect?)
Wer sagt du seist nichts wert? 
(who says you're not worth it?)
Wer sagt du brauchst ein anderes Ich? 
(who says you're the only one that's hurting?)
Oh, glaub mir,
(trust me)
das ist der Preis der Schönheit!
(that's the price of beauty)
Neider sind da nicht weit!
(who says you're not pretty?)
Wer sagt du seist nicht perfekt? 
(who says you're not beautiful?)
... der lügt!
(who says?)

Wer sagt du seist nichts wert? 
(who says you're not perfect?)
Wer sagt du seist schlechter? 
(who says you're not worth it?)
Wer sagt du brauchst ein anderes Ich? 
(who says you're the only one that's hurting?)

Oh, glaub mir,
(trust me)
das ist der Preis der Schönheit!
(that's the price of beauty)
Neider sind da nicht weit!
(who says you're not pretty?)
Wer sagt du seist nicht perfekt? 
(who says you're not beautiful?)
... der lügt!
(who says?)

One word: Russell Brand!

Well, as I've pointed out in one of my earlier blogposts, or infact in a lot of them, I have quite a few obsessions with men. It's not like I have dirty fantasies about them, I just really adore them. I'm more into older ones, tho, because with them you can be about 9O% sure they're not going to change, but with, say, 17-year-olds, if you like them now they can be so very different in about 10 years! Let me just name names. Or actually, this is going to be about one man, only. Because right now I have a huge obsession about him. Well, not obsession, but he's the kind of guy I'd love to be best mates with. He just seems amazing, so let me name a name: 

Russell Brand - born Russell Edward Brand, June 4th 1975

Okay, so as you can see probably tell this is Russell Brand. And he is amazing, I love this man to bits. Not only is he very good looking (just look at these hazel eyes), but also is he a very talented actor and musician! Noone can possibly imagine how much I am looking forward to his movie Arthur (which hasn't come out by the time I am writing this). I am watching the trailer over and over right now, this is the 7th time I am replaying it, and I hope none of the people around me have a good sense of humor! No matter what Russell does - he's always so innocent. He's amazingly cute and so childish, in a good way. Back on Big Fat Quiz of 2OO6... oh, my God, how cute was he? Him and Noel were the only ones that were there for the fun, which makes him (and Noel of course) amazing comedians. In every movie he has the most hilarious lines, his hair's always perfect (bet it looks like that when he gets out of bed), his curls are unbelievable and I am hoping he will never cut his hair, EVER! No matter what happens, Russell isn't Russell without his hair (and beard, by the way, I don't really understand how he could shave it for Arthur, but that doesn't belong here!). Please, if you haven't done so yet go and check out Russell Brand. He's also husband to Katy Perry, you might know him from that. They married in 2O1O in India, if I am not mistaken. Very cute, both of them together. And to be honest? I am not even jealous, I think they make a beautiful couple and I wish them a lifetime of happiness, I hope that nothing ever comes between them, they are perfect together (or at least they seem like they are), Katy Perry is, by far, the most beautiful and talented person nower days and they both deserve each other so much! And there's one thing I am very sure of: Russell is always himself. I don't think he changes for anyone, not on TV, not in movies, not on the radio - Russell is, and always will be, Russell Edward Brand, himself, and he will never change - for noone. Thank you so much, Russell! I love you with all my heart. And I wish that some day I could meet you. Give me a call when you're in Germany ... or don't, that would be expensive :D But, you know ... keep me in mind! Thanks. 
In addition to that: SCREW THE HATERS! Haters are pointless idiots, they always find something to moan and bitch about, Russell, you're not worth that! Don't even give them a bit of attention (or do, but in the "death threats" way you did in New York City, that was hilarious!). You're amazing, don't let anyone tell you something else!

Russell is @rustyrockets on twitter, just in case! The @rustyrockets is already tagged with his twitter, just click on it!