Arthur - movie review.


I went to see Arthur last night with a friend and that movie is absolutely brilliant. It's my favourite movie 2O11 and I am sure it will remain so (except for Harry Potter probably). Let me just tell you: that movie is sweet, romantic, extremely funny and just all in all 1OO% entertaining. 

The story is really sweet, Russell Brand is absolutely lovely as Arthur Bach, Hellen Mirren is pure talent playing Hobson, and all the other actors are great as well, but Russell and Helen interact so well together! Just as well as Greta Gerwig, Jennifer Garner, Luis Guzman and all the other talented actors and actresses. Amazing. Russell plays Arthur so well, it's 1OO% the perfect story and character for him, and I would've never imagined him to be able to play such a deep and thoughtful character, that movie made me love him even more. He even cried in the movie, that was absolutely adorable! And Helen Mirren - well, nothing more to say. Those two words say it all. She is the definition of a perfect actress, so classy, amazingly beautiful, talented ... what more could you want? She was 1OO% the right person to play Hobson, noone else would've been better as her, I assure you that. 

But of course I don't want to take things away. It's just about Arthur who's like in his 30s, having the nanny (Helen Mirren) managing his life, he's the heir of a billion dollar empire - you know the drill. But they turn the movie into something so fantastic, all the actors, the city they shot in, everything - it was just brilliant! Russell and Greta as lovers, so romantic! Russell and Helen as nanny and little-boy-ish man are both hilarious and very very touching. Arthur is just the typical rich boy, partying a lot, playing with people, but he's got a big heart and is so different from what everyone thinks of him. But you have to watch the movie to know what I'm talking about. So just go see it, I've seen it, it's amazing, really good and all that. You should definitely go see it! It's worth the money, or buy it on DVD. Let me just say one word: PERFECT!

Pictures from the movie (I don't own them, Warner Bros. does!): 

 Evander Holyfield plays Arthur's boxing teacher, or boxing partner. I loved this scene, it was really cool. Seeing Russell in these clothes, and then Hobson's sentence when she's leaving. Arthur has to meet his Mum, so Hobson wants him to get ready to go meet her. And as she walks out Hobson says to Evander: Make sure he's out in five minutes or I'll bite off your other ear. Oh, Hobson ...
 You love horses, I don't trust them. Their shoes are permantent?! Who makes that kind of committment to a shoe? Just wonderful. That wasn't what he said in this scene but I don't want to take away the funny bits. This was for the wedding pictures. Loved this scene. Nick Nolte as Jennifer's father is a bit annoying, but he's really cool, such a great actor. All of them are great and Jen looked fantastic!
Wash your winky! Aha, love this scene. It's a rather fun scene before the movie takes a few minutes in the not so funny genre. That doesn't mean the movie gets bad, but sad! But the good point in the "sad" part is: Russell's amazing acting talent, really. He plays Arthur so sweet and so gentle, he's just so Russell to be honest, that's exactly how I imagine him. Only without the really stupid mother (played brilliantly by Geraldine James).

If you're cool enough you'll go and see Arthur in a theatre near you! In cinemas in Germany since May 5th 2011. GO SEE IT. You would if you were cool. If not ... well ... ;) 

Who Says - Übersetzung.

Die Übersetzung ist natürlich nicht 1OO% perfekt, ich hab sie einfach so nach Lust und Laune interpretiert als ich in England war, mir war grad danach und dann hab ich halt so in drei / vier Minuten den Text ins Deutsche geholt, sogut es ging. Wer Lust hat kann das ja mal nachsingen zu einer Karaoke-Version (Video hier eingebunden!) und mir dann schicken, einfach hier kommentieren wenn ihr es gemacht habt, man braucht keinen Account zum kommentieren. 
Auf geht's ...

Hast mich verunsichert
(you made me insecure)
gesagt ich wär nicht gut genug
(told me I wasn't good enough)
hast mich nicht ernst genomm'
(but who are you to judge)
meinst ich wär alles außer klug
(when you're a diamond in the rough)
Und dabei geht es hier
(I'm sure you've got some things)
nur um deine Angst und dich
(you'd like to change about yourself)
doch ginge es um mich
(but when it comes to me
würd ich am liebsten niemand sein als ich!
(I wouldn't wanna be anybody else)

Ich bin ganz gewöhnlich
(I'm no beauty queen)
ich bin ich und glücklich!
(I'm just beautiful me)
Jeder hat es verdient, 
(you've got every right)
dass ihn irgendwer liebt. 
(to a beautiful life)

Sag mir, 
(come on)
wer sagt, wer sagt du seist schlechter? 
(who says, who says you're not perfect?)
Wer sagt du seist nichts wert? 
(who says you're not worth it?)
Wer sagt du brauchst ein anderes Ich? 
(who says you're the only one that's hurting?)
Oh, glaub mir,
(trust me)
das ist der Preis der Schönheit!
(that's the price of beauty)
Neider sind da nicht weit!
(who says you're not pretty?)
Wer sagt du seist nicht perfekt? 

(who says you're not beautiful?)
... der lügt!
(who says?)

Es ist schon komisch,
(it's such a funny thing)
wie sie was du sagst ignorier'n. 
(how nothing's funny when it's you)
Sie schauen dich nicht an, 
(you tell them what you mean)
wollen was du sagst gar nicht hör'n.
(but they keep whiting out the truth)
Und dabei bist du doch
(it's like a work of art)
so viel besser als die zusamm'!
(that never gets to see the light)
Sie unterdrücken dich, 
(keep you beneath the stars)
doch deine Zeit wird komm'!
(won't let you touch the sky)

Ich bin ganz gewöhnlich,
(I'm no beauty queen)
ich bin ich und glücklich!
(I'm just beautiful me)
Jeder hat es verdient, 
(you've got every right)
dass ihn irgendwer liebt. 
(to a beautiful life)

Sag mir, 
(come on)
wer sagt, wer sagt du seist schlechter? 
(who says, who says you're not perfect?)
Wer sagt du seist nichts wert? 
(who says you're not worth it?)
Wer sagt du brauchst ein anderes Ich? 
(who says you're the only one that's hurting?)
Oh, glaub mir,
(trust me)
das ist der Preis der Schönheit!
(that's the price of beauty)
Neider sind da nicht weit!
(who says you're not pretty?)
Wer sagt du seist nicht perfekt? 
(who says you're not beautiful?)
... der lügt!
(who says?)

Wer sagt du seist superhässlich? 
(who says you're messed up potential?)
Deine ganze Art sei grässlich?
(who says you're not presidential?) 
Würdest es nie zu was bringen?
(who says you can't be in movies?) 
Hörst du auch den Neid rausklingen? 
(listen to me, listen to me!)
Wer sagt du schaffst nie den Test? 
(who says you can't pass the test?)
Wärst nicht besser als der Rest? 

(who says you can't be the best?)
Sag mir, sag mir, sag mir wer so einen Quatsch sagt!

(who said, who said, would you tell me who said that?)

Sag mir, 
(come on)
wer sagt, wer sagt du seist schlechter? 
(who says, who says you're not perfect?)
Wer sagt du seist nichts wert? 
(who says you're not worth it?)
Wer sagt du brauchst ein anderes Ich? 
(who says you're the only one that's hurting?)
Oh, glaub mir,
(trust me)
das ist der Preis der Schönheit!
(that's the price of beauty)
Neider sind da nicht weit!
(who says you're not pretty?)
Wer sagt du seist nicht perfekt? 
(who says you're not beautiful?)
... der lügt!
(who says?)

Wer sagt du seist nichts wert? 
(who says you're not perfect?)
Wer sagt du seist schlechter? 
(who says you're not worth it?)
Wer sagt du brauchst ein anderes Ich? 
(who says you're the only one that's hurting?)

Oh, glaub mir,
(trust me)
das ist der Preis der Schönheit!
(that's the price of beauty)
Neider sind da nicht weit!
(who says you're not pretty?)
Wer sagt du seist nicht perfekt? 
(who says you're not beautiful?)
... der lügt!
(who says?)

One word: Russell Brand!

Well, as I've pointed out in one of my earlier blogposts, or infact in a lot of them, I have quite a few obsessions with men. It's not like I have dirty fantasies about them, I just really adore them. I'm more into older ones, tho, because with them you can be about 9O% sure they're not going to change, but with, say, 17-year-olds, if you like them now they can be so very different in about 10 years! Let me just name names. Or actually, this is going to be about one man, only. Because right now I have a huge obsession about him. Well, not obsession, but he's the kind of guy I'd love to be best mates with. He just seems amazing, so let me name a name: 

Russell Brand - born Russell Edward Brand, June 4th 1975

Okay, so as you can see probably tell this is Russell Brand. And he is amazing, I love this man to bits. Not only is he very good looking (just look at these hazel eyes), but also is he a very talented actor and musician! Noone can possibly imagine how much I am looking forward to his movie Arthur (which hasn't come out by the time I am writing this). I am watching the trailer over and over right now, this is the 7th time I am replaying it, and I hope none of the people around me have a good sense of humor! No matter what Russell does - he's always so innocent. He's amazingly cute and so childish, in a good way. Back on Big Fat Quiz of 2OO6... oh, my God, how cute was he? Him and Noel were the only ones that were there for the fun, which makes him (and Noel of course) amazing comedians. In every movie he has the most hilarious lines, his hair's always perfect (bet it looks like that when he gets out of bed), his curls are unbelievable and I am hoping he will never cut his hair, EVER! No matter what happens, Russell isn't Russell without his hair (and beard, by the way, I don't really understand how he could shave it for Arthur, but that doesn't belong here!). Please, if you haven't done so yet go and check out Russell Brand. He's also husband to Katy Perry, you might know him from that. They married in 2O1O in India, if I am not mistaken. Very cute, both of them together. And to be honest? I am not even jealous, I think they make a beautiful couple and I wish them a lifetime of happiness, I hope that nothing ever comes between them, they are perfect together (or at least they seem like they are), Katy Perry is, by far, the most beautiful and talented person nower days and they both deserve each other so much! And there's one thing I am very sure of: Russell is always himself. I don't think he changes for anyone, not on TV, not in movies, not on the radio - Russell is, and always will be, Russell Edward Brand, himself, and he will never change - for noone. Thank you so much, Russell! I love you with all my heart. And I wish that some day I could meet you. Give me a call when you're in Germany ... or don't, that would be expensive :D But, you know ... keep me in mind! Thanks. 
In addition to that: SCREW THE HATERS! Haters are pointless idiots, they always find something to moan and bitch about, Russell, you're not worth that! Don't even give them a bit of attention (or do, but in the "death threats" way you did in New York City, that was hilarious!). You're amazing, don't let anyone tell you something else!

Russell is @rustyrockets on twitter, just in case! The @rustyrockets is already tagged with his twitter, just click on it!

Some hilarious videos!

Okay, those videos made my day today. They're from Let's Dance 2O11 by Comic Relief and they're absolutely hilarious. I'll make a ranking of my five favourtie videos. Those are all amazing! I promise ...

5th place: Russell Kane. <3
He was hilarious, he looks like a woman and his legs are amazing, I want those legs, I seriously do! I adore that man so much :) One of the best dances. Fifth best, obviously.

4th place: Katie Price. <3
Katie Price did amazing, she looks really good as Freddie Mercury, the hair in her armpits is the most hilarious thing ever. Didn't think Katie would make such a fool of herself but this shows that she has a big heart! She looks lovely. 

3rd place: Katy Brand. <3
This dance suits Katy so well! I absolutely adore her and she wears her fat so well. She looks absolutely gorgeous in her outfit and you can tell she enjoys being funny on stage! This is amazing. Thank you, Katy!

2nd place: Eastenders. <3
THEY WERE HILARIOUS! I love Eastenders, and their dance routine to High School Musical was perfect, it looked amazing. Love how they have E A S T E N D E R S standing on their backs. This dance is so funny, I promise to everyone watching it: you'll enjoy this dance!

1st place: NOEL FIELDING. <3
NOEL FIELDING does Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights". I absolutely love Noel and this dance makes me love him even more. He looks perfect as both man and woman, and if I may warn you: you could become pregnant just by watching it, as both man and woman. ENJOY <3

I just wanna hug him!

I don't even have to say anything ... just look at him ...
(copyright by


Instead of posting about random guys, why should I not just post about my new obsession. A man called Noel Fielding. From this day on you shall receive enormous amounts of posts everyday, telling you about my love for Noel. And I don't even care if anyone's going to read them or not, I just want people to see how much I love him! :) Isn't he adorable?


okay so i need you to fill out this form :) it's for my new book and i really need your help by voting on your favourite name! you can comment under this blog post anonymously, in case you don't have a blogspot :) 

ⱷ female main character: elena, cecilia, ellie
ⱷ male main character: deniel, erwan, judoc
ⱷ second male main character: celso, elias, gaspar
ⱷ female main character's dad: arthur, conrad, eduard
ⱷ female friend of (f) main character: amanda, caroline, hanna
ⱷ second female student: justine, leah, rosalie


UK GUYS #8: My Forever!

HALLO und willkommen zurück zu der Reihe "FUCK YEAH ... uk guys". Heute mal nicht in Englisch ;) Es geht um meine absoluten Lieblingsjungs, MY FOREVER! Die  fünf Kerle aus England sind wirklich absolut wunderbar. Ihr müsst euch die mal reinziehen, das meine ich völlig ernst. Weil sie's einfach draufhaben Musik zu machen. 

Ihre Musik ist eine Art indie, pop, rock, sehr sehr cool gemacht und die Songtexte gehen wirklich nahe, weil jeder sich in die Songs hineinversetzen kann, das meine ich vollkommen ernst. Die fünf Jungs sind Roy, Dave, Ben, James und Glen und ich habe wirklich jeden der fünf ins Herz geschlossen. Roy hat sich damals bei mir gemeldet weil er meinte wenn ich One Night Only mag, dann würde ich auch My Forever mögen - und er hatte verdammt recht. Die Jungs haben's echt drauf. Sie rocken total. Aber leider haben sie noch nicht wirklich viele live Gigs. Zwar waren sie "Record of the week" von BBC Introducing, aber es fehlt halt noch so der Anstoß zum großen Erfolg. Und den könnten die Jungs locker haben, wenn mehr Leute aus anderen Ländern (so wie Deutschland) über sie Bescheid wüssten. Und das versuche ich hiermit hinzukriegen! Ihr könnt die Jungs auch bei Facebook suchen und dann auf "gefällt mir" klicken, weil das ist mir echt wichtig, dass die Fünf die Aufmerksamkeit kriegen die sie verdienen! Und das ist weit mehr als momentan der Fall ist. Und wenn wir Glück haben, wer weiß? Irgendwann treten sie auch in Deutschland auf. 

Wie Dave immer sagt: My Forever taking over the world. First of all Germany! :) In diesem Sinne, bis dahin! 


Before I keep doing my "fuck yeah ... uk guys" section I'll probably be posting some other random things on here :) Just because I want to. I have no rules, you know? 


Back to the roots.

... oder auch nicht, auf jeden Fall hab ich jetzt wieder Internet, mal gucken ob ich genug Zeit habe was zu posten. Ich hab ja noch genug Leute über die ich schreiben kann, sexy Kerle, versteht sich! Wir werden sehen. Fahrtwohl, ihr Lieben. Fahrtwohl! :) 

Nur so zur Info

Ich wohne jetzt momentan nicht mehr zu Hause sondern in Rothenfelde, hier hab ich noch kein Internet, bzw. nur auf dem Blackberry, und von da kann ich nichts posten. ;D Nur andere Sachen, wie Facebook ... man kennt das! Also dauert es wohl erstmal noch etwas, bis ich wieder was richtiges posten kann, aber ich hab schon ne Meeenge Ideen. Also keine Panik auf der Titanic :D 

UK GUYS #6: The Inbetweeners

Okay this time it's not about like one guy only, it's about a whole "collection" of boys. I like to call a group of boys a collection, because after all boys are just like dolls in a girl's life, aren't they? Well The Inbetweeners is a British TV show about four guys that, basically, do everything to finally lose their virginity. And, y'all know what boys're like, they like to make fun of each other, make the others look stupid and embarass them. All that stuff. Boys ... 

The episodes tell the story of Will that was bullied at his old school and then moves with his Mum to a town in Surrey so he can go to Rudge Park Comprehensive School. But because he is quite different people don't really accept him at first, they like to make fun of him and bully him as well, calling him names like 'twat' and whatnot. The first day and Will already has like the whole school against him, except for Simon, whom Will follows around and tries to make friends with - but Simon isn't really open for a new friendship. Simon is really in love with Carli by the way. In the first episode we can see him getting a boner because Carli kisses him on the cheek - Simon is adorable tho! Well and so it goes on and on. Will makes "friends" with Simon, Jay and Neil (whose Dad is gay, even tho his Dad says he's not). Jay's parents live in a campsite, in a trailor park and his Dad is quite disgusting. His Mum's okay though. And Simon's parents are still married, plus Simon has a little brother that is a real ass, no lie! But he's really cute. There are so many things I could write about that happen in all the different episodes, but you can watch them all (or most of them) on Youtube, so go ahead and check them out. Those guys are funny as fuck. Even though they use the word "fuck" like 40 times per episode. They're so sweet tho, really helpless and all they want to do is have sex - oh, I forgot: Neil had sex already. He had sex in the back of Simon's car while they were at some party at the trailor park where Jay lives. And then he got laid or something and Jay and Will were in the backseat - and Neil told them and they refused to drive on because Neil wouldn't clean the seats. It was hilarious, I really really liked that episode. Oh, one thing I haven't said yet: Will had something going on with Donovan's ex girlfriend (Charlotte) and Donovan is like the biggest bully at school. So that was pretty bad. But Donovan thinks Will's Mum is fit - so whenever she's around he acts all nice. And Will's Mum doesn't really understand Will's problem with Donovan - so yeah. That show is definitely worth a check. It's hilarious at some bits, it really shows the problems of a teenage boy and I promise: you'll love these boys. They're really adorable. Some of the other characters aren't so much - but the boys are. And since they're the main characters it's all fine. CHECK THEM OUT.

This is the link to the first episode of The Inbetweeners. Watch it and you'll probably (or not) understand what the show is about:

If you sneezed while reading this: bless you! Peace off. Have a good day. And then a good month. And a good year. Just keep having it good. Mitchie out. 

Eine kurze Pause zwischendurch [:

Ich muss euch nur von einem lustigen Zwischenfall erzählen. Da war eben so ein Kerl, ich weiß grad seinen Namen nicht mehr, aber er meinte so "dein Englisch auf dem Block ist voll schlecht" - da musste ich doch erstmal für eine Sekunde lachen :DD Ich wollte erst antworten "von jemandem der Blog mit CK schreibt brauch ich mir das nicht anhören", aber ich dachte, dann ist er vielleicht traurig. ;D Also hab ich es nicht getan. Aber da ich ja weiß, dass mein Englisch nicht schlecht ist brauch ich mir davon wohl nichts annehmen! ;) Ich brauche die Bestätigung zwar nicht, aber falls ihr irgendwas derartiges mal auf meiner Pinnwand lest, wenn er sich irgendwie mit mir darüber streiten sollte: es haben genug Briten und US - Amerikaner den Blog gelesen und mir privates Feedback gegeben - mein Englisch auf dem Blog ist perfekt, teilweise sagen die Leute sogar, dass es (und ich zitiere) "ich dachte, das wäre deine Muttersprache". Also bitte, was auch immer diese komische Person (der Name fällt mir immernoch nicht ein, irgendwas mit F oô) sagt: mein Englisch ist perfekt (; Keine Sorge, ihr könnt meinem Englisch vertrauen ;* Eigenlob stinkt, ich weiß - aber in diesem Fall ist es ja kein Eigenlob, sondern das Erkennen der Fähigkeite eine andere Sprache perfekt zu beherrschen :) 

... das mir der Name von dem Herrn Möchtegern nicht einfällt ärgert mich aber grad irgendwie :DD

UK GUYS #5: Jamie Bower

Next off is actor Jamie Bower who I personally find really really sexy. His hair is really addictive and I have the strong will to just run my fingers through it evertime I see it. He's really good looking and he's dating a ginger, which makes him even cooler. He's boyfriend of Bonnie Wright, Harry Potter's Ginny Weasley, and that makes him really cool - as I already mentioned. Jamie was born in November 1988 in the city of London and got his agent in his early years when he worked for the theatre and a family's friend suggested him to get an agent. The role that he's most famous for is probably when he played Anthony in Tim Burton's "Sweeney Todd", alongside Johnny Depp and Burton's wife Helena Bonham Carter whom Jamie also worked with on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where he plays the young Gellert Grindelwald, the man that Dumbledore allegedly beat in a battle in his earlier years. Jamie appeared in a small scene in the first part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and who knows? Maybe he has more scenes in the second part?!

Apart from being an actor Jamie is also leadsinger of the band The Darling Buds. They aren't that popular yet but they have a few good songs which everyone can listen to online. It's definitely worth seeing them perform live on stage! To sum up I absolutely adore Jamie, even though he's been in Twilight - New Moon. He was absolutely good, acting-wise, but the movie itself sucked - not his fault tho. Dakota Fanning and him were the best two actors in that movie and I loved them, but Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and the rest kind of ruined it, just like the other Twilight movies. They suck in general, so I guess that's just the way it is! Not Jamie's (or Dakota's) fault!
... mainly because he's dating a ginger! ;D

UK BOYS #4: Rupert Grint (actor)

Another very handsome man named Rupert Grint. Ever since I started watching the Harry Potter movies I was probably proudest of him. And you want to know why? Because he is a ginger. I've heard he wasn't born ginger, but he wears the red-ish hair with pride. And I love him for that. He is really talented, good looking and he is just the kind of guy that you absolutely have to love, mainly because he is just mad gorgeous as Ronald Weasley. He's always a bit nuts, he acts really stupid most of the time - but he's allowed to do so, because he's cute and so down to earth. Through all the years he hasn't changed a bit. He's still the shy little guy from next door, just the way we met him in his first year of Hogwarts. ;D He's turned into a grown man, looking proper stunning and he's got something about him that you just have to love, no matter what kind of man you usually enjoy looking at. 
Rupert was born in England and comes from an ordinary family. His Mum's a housewife and his Dad sells souvenirs. Ordinary jobs for ordinary people, an ordinary family for Rupert who grew up as the eldest of five kids. When he auditioned for the role of Ron Weasley he rapped a song he had written himself, which is even cuter, because it makes him seem really creative and cute. He did what he wanted to do, didn't prepare a big drama scene - he just rapped. And it proves that he's talented and that he's famous for a reason. I personally absolutely adore Rupert Grint because he's one of the cutest guys on this planet and for a Brit - he's really good looking! He's special in his own way and we should love him for that, he's a talented actor and he's just adorable in my opinion. What a true UK boy. He's afraid of spiders - how sweet is that? He's such a dork in the Harry Potter movies, so we should not only love him but his character Ron as well. Who's excited for Harry Potter 7.2? Well I certainly am. If you sneezed whilst reading this: bless your face. Peace off. X

UK BOYS #3: Two Door Cinema Club (band)

Next up is something really different. This time it's not just one person, but it's a whole band. My favourite Irish band of all times: TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB. I love those guys to death. Especially Alex. How do I begin to describe them? 
Well they're this awesome indie-rock band from Ireland, really talented and all proper laddish. They look stunning, their music is awesome and you can feel their emotion through the songs so well :)  How stunning do they look in this picture? Alex, Sam and Kevin are probably the only Irish band that I'll ever like - I don't know why, but their music just makes me happy. My all time favourite song by them is Something good can work, and from the minute the song finished I probably repeated it like all day long because that song is just awesome. It really is. Like when you hear someone say that they love a song it's mostly like "well if you say so" - but this time I am dead serious. This is one of those songs that instantly makes you happy when you hear it. Everything about it is perfect. The intro, the bridge, the chorus, ... EVERYTHING. The song sounds really alive and just really gentle and smooth even though it's a rather fast song. Especially the chorus is just something I can't even find words for anymore. It is the only song that I can listen to over and over again and that never gets boring for me - because I always try to mouth the chorus and it's still a bit too fast for me. But I'm learning fast. ;D But there we go with the common problem again: people like their music without even feeling it. And that sucks. I wish more people would only like Two Door Cinema Club when they do it with all their heart - not just like some band that you listen to every once in a while. I listen to Something Good Can Work like 13 times a day - and that's just one song, there's a whole nother album to go. So please: stop liking bands and their music without even feeling the vibes. I beg you. Don't try to be cool - because that's not making you look cool. They're something really special - and not some facebook page that you just randomy like. Is that clear? Thank you. 

Oh, and I haven't mentioned the best thing about Two Door Cinema Club yet...
ALEX TRIMBLE IS A GINGER. And it's pretty normal for us gingers to be the best of the best. So it's obvious that Two Door Cinema Club are an awesome band. Just saying, just saying ... but in case you ever ask yourself why TDCC are so amazing - it's because Alex is ginger. Partly. But still. So
 whatever you do. When you're stressed or feel down, just listen to Two Door Cinema Club and "Something Good Can Work" ... and you'll feel better in no time. I promise. I really do. Sue me if it doesn't work. Don't. If you sneezed whilst reading this: bless you! Peace off. X

Two Door Cinema Club, official video:

Two Door Cinema Club for watchlistentell, acoustic:

UK BOYS #2: Sam Beeton (model / singer)

Let's just call this the second "episode" of: FUCK YEAH ... UK boys.
This "show" is about the best of the best, the sexiest of the sexiest, 
the phenomenal UK boys! Looking good, great voices, good styles ...
what more could a woman want? :)

So in this episode it's going to be all about SAM BEETON, musician 
slash Burberry model. A bit like the person from episode one, but 
also very very veeeeeeery different and special in his own way!
Sam Beeton is a singer-songwriter and model from Nottingham, UK. He is good looking and a normal guy from next door, yet he is really special in his own way which is perfectly fine. He is really good looking, he has the sweetest voice ever and when he sings it's like a male angel whiping all the panic and anxiety away that you have inside you from day to day. He was born on September 13th in 1988, which means he is now 22 years old - and he looks like 18, which makes him even cutier. He started officially playing in 2007 and is still active, just about a month or two ago he did an acoustic version of his song "My doll" for Burberry Acoustic. When he was 14 years old and still at school he was discovered whilst playing in a bar. He was then signed to Notts County School of Excellence. In September 2008, around his birthday, Sam releasted his first debut single which was ranked #41 in the UK charts in the week up to 20th September. Apart from modeling he has also been in a few notable UK magazines, such as "Daily Mail" and "The Guardian" which both wrote very good reviews about Sam. 

Apart from being really sexy and having a cute face I really love Sam's music. His voice is so gentle and smooth, he's so talented and plays so many instruments, apart from singing. He has a huge career in front of him and I would very much love to see him in Germany someday. My favourite song by him is Under The Fence from his album No Definite Answer. Also his acoustic version of "My Doll" is proper stunning - he is super super talented and needs more people to support him. Except for being so awesome he also cares about others and plays music on charity festivals. He needs to be taken seriously and not just "another British guy", because Sam is far more than that and I'd love more people to get to know him and his genius-ish-ness. Which is a word that I just completely made up, but still ... Please, if you have the chance, check out his music. Just enter "Sam Beeton" into Youtube's search bar and you'll see why I love this guy so much. He is stunning, cute - just a real British lad. Needs to have more lovers! Let's do this. SAM BEETON READY FOR TAKEOVER. TAKEOVER OF THE WORLD :)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

UK BOYS #1: George Craig (One Night Only)

This is the first part of the new series called FUCK YEAH, uk boys. It's going to be about all my lovely guys from the UK that I absolutely adore and love with all my heart. Actors, musicians ... everything I can imagine. Models. Whatever comes to my mind. It's going to be amazing - hopefully. 

Shall we start then?

First off is George Craig, lead singer of the band ONE NIGHT ONLY and also model for Burberry in 2009 / 2010. He is one of the most handsome guys I have ever seen in my entire life. He is really talented and a pure beaut. He is dead handsome and his voice is really lofty. George was born in 1990 in a little place called Helmsley, up in Yorkshire in the UK. He became part of the band in 2003 becase the original band didn't have a singer and his older brother, James, came in a little later. Now they're pretty much world famous, probably also because they had Emma Watson (best known for playing Hermione Granger) staring in ONO's music video to their song "Say You Don't Want It" in 2010 which was shot in New York City. George and Emma are close friends, but according to each other they are neither dating nor ever have been doing so, which noone really believed, but if that's what they say I guess we have to believe them - don't we? Even though we all think differently. There have been a few evidences for George and Emma at leasting having a thing for each other. Not necessairly dating, but maybe there was a little something between them? Let's just call it a crush. A tin little crush. The thought of it is just really cute because they seem to have a real good chemistry between them and they both look gorgeous together, both modeling and in the music video.

Moving on: other than being really talented and close with actress and model Emma Watson George is also really stunning and good looking. He is, as aleady mentioned, a model for Burberry, has done several runway shows and he shot two videos for Burberry's "Burberry Acoustic" where signed, as well as unsigned bands can play a song in an acoustic version and those videos are uploaded to Youtube where they get many many clicks and get more than good comments. George has done one video singing the band's song "Chemistry" by himself and one with his former band member and friend Jack 'Fish' Sails. 
THE REASON why I love George (and the band of course) is because he is proper stunning, he is so generous, so down to earth, really shy in a sexy way and just such a lad. There is no way people cannot like him, because he is just basically the definition of perfect. And you know how people always want to support their bands - but it's quite annoying when people only like George because of his looks and not because of his talent as a singer as well. They listen to ONO's music - yet they don't even know what their music is about. They don't know where the guys are from, they have no clue about George and the lads whatsoever and that is something that gets quite annoying after a while. They tweet him with the words "GEORGE I LOVE YOU" - yet they have no clue who he really is. Maybe they only got to know him through Emma Watson, they watched the video because of her and now think they know ONO. I guess the guys like 'fans' like that but what they really want (and infact need more) are dedicated fans. And I am pretty sure that I can count myself to one of those. I support George and the lads, I try to tell people about them ... but of course I can't do too much of it because people will be like the 'fans' that I just described. Not interested in the guys' music, only in them and ... well yeah, that's not really what their music is there for. You have to feel their music. It is something really magical. So please, whatever you do, don't pretend like you know One Night Only when really - you don't. ;) That would be so awesome. Don't be like "One Night Only" are my favourite band when you don't even know the guys' names or when you can't say what their songs are about. 

To sum things up: I LOVE GEORGE CRAIG + One Night Only, always have and always will. Those guys are going to go far - and George is one of THE loftiest people on this planet. By far. X