UK BOYS #3: Two Door Cinema Club (band)
Next up is something really different. This time it's not just one person, but it's a whole band. My favourite Irish band of all times: TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB. I love those guys to death. Especially Alex. How do I begin to describe them?

Well they're this awesome indie-rock band from Ireland, really talented and all proper laddish. They look stunning, their music is awesome and you can feel their emotion through the songs so well :) How stunning do they look in this picture? Alex, Sam and Kevin are probably the only Irish band that I'll ever like - I don't know why, but their music just makes me happy. My all time favourite song by them is Something good can work, and from the minute the song finished I probably repeated it like all day long because that song is just awesome. It really is. Like when you hear someone say that they love a song it's mostly like "well if you say so" - but this time I am dead serious. This is one of those songs that instantly makes you happy when you hear it. Everything about it is perfect. The intro, the bridge, the chorus, ... EVERYTHING. The song sounds really alive and just really gentle and smooth even though it's a rather fast song. Especially the chorus is just something I can't even find words for anymore. It is the only song that I can listen to over and over again and that never gets boring for me - because I always try to mouth the chorus and it's still a bit too fast for me. But I'm learning fast. ;D But there we go with the common problem again: people like their music without even feeling it. And that sucks. I wish more people would only like Two Door Cinema Club when they do it with all their heart - not just like some band that you listen to every once in a while. I listen to Something Good Can Work like 13 times a day - and that's just one song, there's a whole nother album to go. So please: stop liking bands and their music without even feeling the vibes. I beg you. Don't try to be cool - because that's not making you look cool. They're something really special - and not some facebook page that you just randomy like. Is that clear? Thank you.
Oh, and I haven't mentioned the best thing about Two Door Cinema Club yet...
ALEX TRIMBLE IS A GINGER. And it's pretty normal for us gingers to be the best of the best. So it's obvious that Two Door Cinema Club are an awesome band. Just saying, just saying ... but in case you ever ask yourself why TDCC are so amazing - it's because Alex is ginger. Partly. But still. So
whatever you do. When you're stressed or feel down, just listen to Two Door Cinema Club and "Something Good Can Work" ... and you'll feel better in no time. I promise. I really do. Sue me if it doesn't work. Don't. If you sneezed whilst reading this: bless you! Peace off. X
Two Door Cinema Club, official video:
Two Door Cinema Club for watchlistentell, acoustic:
awww that sucks /: i can see all of it ...