Worry about Julaika!

We're concerned ... 

Julaika is the biggest bitch,
you give her love, she gives you shit!
Thinks too much of her own self, 
it is clear that she needs help.
Probably a victim in reality, 
she sees the Net as a possibility
to get out agressions she has collected, 
a fair few, and noone is protected 
from her anger and her hate, 
looking for someone to debate
with, so poor, so lame, 
she does not understand it is only a game,
a not-real world, not a plage for big fame, 
a fake world at all, with a made-up name!
Now what do we do? Do we worry about her? 
Do we five her attention? Do we not even care? 
It is clear she needs help, and a lot of care, 
but put together: why would we try her? 
She's such a bitch, treats others like shit, 
acts like the Queen and does not even get, 
that out of her friends noone really likes
her disgusting self, all in disguise. 
A weeny little girl, nothing big to be fair,
she's got nothing about her
... so why would we care? 

And the morals of the story: do not care about Julaika - worry! 

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